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my life

2001-07-23 : 9:00 a.m.
Wonders of Dreams

Another poem that probably sucks, but I am addicted...

Wonders of Dreams

How I long to be underneath the sheets of sleep

Wrapped in his arms as I am cradled deep in the land

Of wonders and dreams

Surrounded by visions and careless fantasies.

Irrepressible longing that can be satisfied

Purely by his loving embrace and cushioned by his

Soft whisper in my ear, and little chubby fingers

twirling my hair.

Golden brown light twinkles framing a face, of sweet

Smiling delight, the suns shine is no longer that bright.

A mere shadow when compared to my childs smile that

I as a mommy could stare at for quite a while.

Eyes of Green or Brown, I never imagine think my

Child could make me frown, although I know it will

Be some time from now, between snakes and frogs and

Giggles and yawns. Fights about sleep overs and mowing

The lawn, I'll have a few sour faces, but that won't

Last long, I'll cherish my chosen healing of my husbands

Arms draped around my big swelling belly who knows what he's

Dreaming or thinking, asleep or awake during an important

Meeting, possibly of his wifes morning sickness and driving

To late night stores to feed her weird cravings. Telling

Co-workers and family and friends all alike, who will be

Ooohhing and Awwing with raving and praises they'll say,

"What a beautiful child, no one like them alive" and he'll

Nod and agree and hold them real tight, while I perform the

Ten Hundredth feeding each night, as we both pray they'll be

Sleeping thru just right since we don't think of how we'll miss

The wailing in the middle of night, so for now we sleep with

Uninterrupted dreams, the growing baby, daughter or son,

Doesn't matter to us, we'll love either one.

< < now > >


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